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Dental Implants vs. Dentures

Are you thinking you don’t have time to deal with problematic teeth? Maybe it’d be better to just pull them all and go the route of dentures?

Before making such drastic decisions, be sure to educate yourself regarding your alternatives. Dr. Toscano offers dental implants for New York area residents to consider.

Filling the void of a damaged tooth is important; it’ll maintain a proper chewing surface, prevent any adjoining teeth from straying out of position, and be aesthetically pleasing.

Dentures can work for you, but face a challenge as your body naturally changes with time. The supporting ridges tend to shrink or alter in shape, resulting in loose-fitting dentures or sensitive gums due to improper rubbing. Suddenly you may find yourself embarrassed to laugh or chew in public for fear of what may happen. To maintain that proper fit and avoid infection, many replace their dentures every few years.

On the other hand, dental implants are as close to a natural tooth as you will find. A small titanium post is surgically inserted into the jawbone to act as a “root”. Once the bone secures around the post, a crown (or other dental treatment such as a bridge or partial denture) will be color matched and attached. Attractive, durable and permanent, a dental implant will require no more than your usual good oral health regime for maintenance.

Instead of shifting, gum-agitating, or unnatural “Chiclet” dentures, consider the option Dr. Toscano offers with stunning dental implants for New York area residents and arrange your consultation today!

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